Thursday, November 7, 2013

Blog Post 10

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture 

Randy Pausch

This video by Randy Pausch has been very eye opening to me. Dr. Pausch is a very inspirational man; even though his life is ending he wants yours to go on. With everything going on his life I do not see how he can be so positive and excited. Dr. Pausch’s last lecture shows us life is what you make of it and knowing that think of what we could make it for students.

Randy Pausch, had dreams and goals someone could not even think of today, yet he is dying and is happy with his dreams and goals. He has accomplished so much in his life and wants to teach about it before he can’t teach it. The way this man can be dying and be so happy gives me the inspiration to keep going and that life could be worse. His beliefs in living life to the fullest, has inspired me to teach my students that no matter what live life to the fullest .I have always had a problem in seeing the good in every situation but this video gave me hope that it is possible. As a teacher,  I can persuade students to use this outlook on life.

Dr. Pausch refers to setting the bar as a downfall. I totally agree with this. If students have a bar to reach some will fail. If those students who fail get too bogged down, how will they ever feel successful? If my students do not feel successful, how will I encourage them to be positive and dream big? Goals are what you make of them. I will try to remember that not all students think on the same level and be open-minded to their outside thinking.

I could go on and on about how I could use things from this video in the classroom and how wonderful this man is. But, I need to relate my inner self with this man and see who I can be for my students. He was probably the most inspiring teacher a student could ask for. I want my students to remember as the teacher who impacted their dreams and goals. I do not want to be the teacher who downed them and told them there ideas were not good enough. The golden rule is to treat others how you want to be treated. Just think of John Doe when he is walking across the stage at graduation. John Doe will remember me as the teacher who was always positive and encouraging. 

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