Sunday, October 13, 2013

C4T #3 and #4

C4T #3

The Lasting Legacy of “The Red Group
Different Groups of People
In this blog post vice principal, Erin Paynter, tells about watching a little girl chose colors because of the group she was in school. She wanted to use the red color pencil and give her brother a green. Now we would assume that the colors are based on skill. She emphasizes that as teachers we need to be careful in how we group students and not to confine them to just one group for a long period of time.

In my comment I said that this story makes me realize that as a future teacher I need to keep in mind to change up the groups within my classroom. I do believe that it is important to have groups within the classroom but the students should not be confined to just one group. Students should be given the opportunity to work with everyone in the class. Thank you so much for sharing.

C4T #4

My Back-to-School Letter to My New School #SAVMP
I was assinged to Erin Paynter again. Ms. Paynter has not posted any new post. This post was the most recent before the Lasting Legancy of "The Red Group." In this post she is giving an update that she has recently become a part of an on-line mentoring project called School Admin Virtual Mentor Program. She posted a letter that was sent out to the families of her students. In this letter she introduces herself and expresses her passion for the students education. She also discusses something she refers to as the 6 C's: Creativity, Critical-Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Character and Community. She wants to shift how the teachers are teaching. She said " the process of learning is the goal, not the content of learning."

In my comment I said I really enjoyed her post and could that she portrayed her passion for the students education and her own learning. I also said that communicating with the community is vital. The letter did a wonderful job at at informing the community of what you expect out of the school year. I thanked her for sharing.

1 comment:

  1. I think you mean for your headers to be C4T#3 and #4, not C4K...
